Estate Planning

Planning Today for Tomorrow

The concept of Estate Planning may be new or familiar to you, but everyone needs to discuss and frequently revisit their plans to make sure it’s still the right strategy in the constantly changing world of taxes, asset protection, retirement and much more. Most common areas involved in our Estates practice includes:

  1. Wills (last, testamentary and living)

  2. Power of Attorney (multiple types)

  3. Trust - avoid probate

  4. Trust - Medicaid planning

  5. Trust - Asset protection and/or Tax planning

  6. Business formation

  7. Holding companies

  8. Gifting Rules to family

  9. Charitable planning

  10. Life Insurance

  11. Long-term care plans

  12. Probate

  13. Intestacy review

  14. Funding trusts

  15. Serving as counsel to an Estate’s reconciliation and distribution