
Here to discuss your legal questions.

J-1 Waiver (Conrad 30) Cycle spins back up!

The summer has been busy with new residents/fellows starting positions and many others transitioning to their post-training employment.  As this cycle starts to get into full swing, keep in mind that IMG (International Medical Graduates) and those on J-1 waivers will likely have additional hurdles to address.  The following is a list of common questions you need to ask so that we can quickly and efficiently identify potential employers capable of sponsoring Waiver candidates.

1) What is the physical street address where the physician will actually work?

2) What is the specialty of the physician?

3) Get a copy of the physician's DS-2019 forms (issued by school during J-1 program).

4) Is contract compliant with immigration rules?  If employer has never sponsored, then I can outline things to include/remove in the contract.

5) Most program offices begin accepting applications in October and it can take a few weeks to get everything we need to start the process.  However, some are approved that don't apply until much later in the process, but "the early bird catches the worm"...or places the candidate successfully.

Keep in mind that the entire J-1 waiver approval process is about a 6 month process can be shorter or longer from state to state, but this is a general idea.  The sooner we discuss details with employer, the more likely we are to have an approval.  

As always, happy to do a free consult with the employer to explain options available to them in their recruitment/hiring of physicians with immigration questions.

Stay tuned for Waiver slot opening updates coming in the next few months.